Cat Pregnancy Stages Week By Week Pictures - Latest Pictures

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Cat Pregnancy Stages Week By Week Pictures

Cat Pregnancy Stages Week By Week Pictures - The first two-month period in the life of a kitten is the most exciting time because rapid changes from time to time. As I wrote in a previous article about the process of the birth of baby cats, cats are not yet able to see and hear (but it could've been meowing) and do not have teeth, usually have less weight 90-110 grams and weight the Agency will be doubling in the first two weeks since his birth. Observing child development begins the first week of the cat until the eighth week is very interesting because in this period there were several important stages in the development of the cat's life.

Here are a few stages that we can observe in the period:
First week: kittens spent most of his time to sleep, is a normal kitten twitch wrinkles on while sleeping as this would menstimulus the nervous system and muscles. The umbilical cord is broken at the age of 2-3 today, in a clean environment condition very rarely happens the umbilical cord infection. Baby Cats do not have a body temperature management system that depends on its mother to set up so that a constant (so no freezing or overheating). Is normal a parent cat lick lick the anus of his son, this is a parent cat for menstimulus instinct reflex defecation on kittens. Articles about baby care Newborn Cats review more details about a kitten during the first week.

Second week: baby cats began to crawl well at age 7 – 14 days. Cat's eye began to open at the age of 8 – 11 days (although can not see clearly). As far as possible avoid forced open the eyelid because baby cat has not been ready to accept its sense of light. The retina of the eye begins to perfect 5 weeks. Cat's eye blue at first but then changes color over time. During the second week of this sense of smell, the cat began to grow. The sex of the kitten began to be recognised even though there is still the possibility of mistaken. To identify the sex of cats, can be read on the article to recognize the gender of a baby cat.

Third week: kittens start to stand up around age 16 days and walk normally at the age of 21 days. At the end of the third week of the earlobe are starting to open and begin to be heard. Milk teeth started to grow (there are 26 milk teeth that will complete at the age of 8 weeks), at this age the sense of smell starts to grow and the baby cat started sniffing endus. At this age the kitten should have started given anthelmintic.

Fourth week: baby cats began to appear active play around with his brother and began to learn to leave the "nest". Usually the parent cat at this time began to leave her child for a short period of time. Vision and hearing the kitten continues to increase. Although at this point the kitten could've started licking his fur itself, but the female is usually still licking his son.

Week five: at this age the vision already full grown, parent has already started to wean her son so that additional feed can already start is given (not all kittens respond alike and it takes patience). Walk began when playing with his brother with the clawing and pouncing. Cats began to be introduced with a drink da sandbox toilet.

In the eighth until the Sixth week: at this stage we recommend that you start are invited to socialize with the way held (pass them over) the hands, eyes, which is essentially a points points in medical examination. It is expected the kitten will get used later. Veterinarians usually provide the first vaccinations in the period 6-8 week. The granting of this vaccination is very important to keep the health due to illness caused by the virus until today there is no drug that is really effective and affordable, so it's still better to prevent than cure.

 Cat Pregnancy Stages Week By Week Pictures


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