Docker Remove Image - Docker at the beginning of the establishment in 2009 using the name dotCloud Inc., however, by the year 2013 dotCloud changed the name of Docker until this article was created.
Docker is an application that is open source, which functions as a container/container for packing/enter a complete software along with all the other things needed by the software can function. The settings of the software along with other support matters/files will be an Image (the term given by the docker). Then an instant of the Image is then called a Container.
Docker Remove Image
Delete The Image And Container
If you do not need to mention the docker image, you can remove it based on the ID image, for example the author of the run command.
If this is successful then the output will appear as follows.
to delete the entire image, you can use the command.
to delete the entire image, you can use the command.
For the container is also the same, it's just that the container uses a different syntax, if the image using the rmi then container using the command rm, but if the container is still active then you need to turn off the container in advance with the stop command. Comtohnya if the authors run a command.
It will pop up the output
You can turn it off with the command.
to turn off the entire container, you can use the command