Motivational Word Of The Day - The motivation comes from the word "motif", which is defined as the effort that encourages someone to do something. According to Sardiman 2006:73) is the motive power of locomotion in kegaiatan to do to reach the goal.
The definition of Motivation is the change in energy (private) someone who is characterized by the onset of feelings and reactions to achieve objectives (Hamalik, 1992:173). In Sardiman (2006:73) motivation is the change in energy of the seseorangyang marked by "felling" and preceded by the response to the existence of a purpose.
The definition of Motivation is the change in energy (private) someone who is characterized by the onset of feelings and reactions to achieve objectives (Hamalik, 1992:173). In Sardiman (2006:73) motivation is the change in energy of the seseorangyang marked by "felling" and preceded by the response to the existence of a purpose.
Motivational Word Of The Day
Those who succeed will benefit from the mistakes he did, and will try again to do a different way (Dale Carnegie)
A heart full of gratitude is not only the greatest virtue, but rather is the parent of all the other virtues (Cicero)
Everything starts with the anger, will end in shame (Benjamin Franklin)
What appears as a generosity, often no other is actually a thinly veiled ambition, which ignored the interests of small to pursue interests that are larger (La Roucefoucauld)
We all live in suspense, from time to time, as well as from day to day, in other words, we are the heroes of our own story (Mary Mc Carthy on)
Humility leads on strength, not weakness. Admit your mistakes and make changes for the error is the highest form of respect in yourself (John McCLoy)
Any tasks of our life, do well. Someone should do his work in such good so those still living, the dead and the unborn are not able to do it even better (Marthin Luther King)
My struggle is easier due to repel the invaders, but the struggle of the mu more difficult because against your nation (Bung Karno)
Those who fail are divided into two: those who think fail but never did, and those who do the failures but never thought about (John Charles Salak)
Failure is something we can avoid by not saying anything, didn't do anything and not be anything (Denis Waitley)
Friendship is the hardest thing to explain in this world. And, it's not a matter of you learned in school. But, if you've never learned the meaning of friendship, You really don't learn anything (Muhammad Ali)
Kindness is the inability to remain calm if there are other people who feel anxiety, inability to feel comfortable if anyone feels uncomfortable, the inability of the callous to remain palatable when a neighbor're gundah (Samuel h. Holdenson)
Please forgive Your enemies, but never forget the names (John f. Kennedy)
The best thing you can do for others is not distributing your wealth, but he has used his wealth to help myself (Benjamin Disraeli)
There are two kinds of people in the world: those looking for reasons and those who seek success. People who searched for reason is always looking for a reason why his work is not finished, and people looking for success is always looking for a reason why his job can be resolved (Alan Cohen)
Love the person that you're loved one gradually became only, who knows, one day later, he will turn into the person that you hate. And the people who hate you hate gradually became only, who knows, one day later, he would turn into a person that you love (Imam Ali RA)
I have studied the lives of great men and famous women, and I find that those who reached the Summit of success are those who perform the works that are before them with all our energy, passion and hard work (Harry s. Truman)
Only those who dare to fail to reach the success of (Robert f. Kennedy)
Every successful men and women are dreamers-dreamers is great. They imagine about their future, to do my best in every thing, and working every day towards a vision far into the future that becomes their goal (Brian Tracy)
Believe in the magic, but don't depend on it (h. Jackson Brown, Jr.)
Persuasion I, and I may not believe you. Kritiklah me, and maybe I'm not menyukaimu. Acuhkan me, and I may not forgive you. The spirit of me, and I may not forget you (Arthur)
If you make someone happy today, you also make him happy twenty more years, as he recalled it (Sydney Smith)
The weakest human is a person who is not able to make friends. But weaker than that are the ones that get a lot of friends but to waste. (Ali Ibn Abi Talib)
Don't hesitate to reach out to you. But, don't be too shy to shake the hand of someone else who comes at you (Pope John XXIII)
Nature gave us one tongue, but gave us two ears to hear two times more than talking (La Rouchefoucauld)
Best friend of truth is time, the greatest enemy is prejudice, and the most loyal Entourage is humility (Caleb CC.)
Happiness depends on what you can give, not on what you earn (Mohandas Gandhi)
Success often comes on those who dared to act, and rarely approach the timid who dare not take consequences (Jawaharlal Nehru)
The incredible people that are simple in speech, but excellent in action (Confusius)
We don't know how tomorrow, that we can do is do my best and be happy today (Samuel Taylor Colleridge)
Very little is needed to make a happy life, everything is in yourself, that is in the way of thinking and behaving (Fred Corbett)
The biggest mistake that made human beings in his life was constantly afraid that they will make mistakes (Elbert Hubbad)
Our greatest pride is not because it never fails, but rose again each of us falls (Confusius)
Lack of keyakinanlah that makes people afraid of challenges, and I believe in myself (Mohammad Ali)
Many of the failures in life because people do not realize how close they were with success, when they give up (Thomas Alfa Edison)
All people do not need to be ashamed because of mistakes, for he became wiser than before (Alexander Pope)
We pray if distress and need something, should we also pray in the excitement of great and abundant sustenance (Khalil Gibran)
The best part of a person is his good deeds and his love of unknown others (William Wordsworth)
Hospitality in words creates confidence, hospitality in the thought of creating peace, hospitality in giving creates love (Lao Tse)
Thus information about the Motivational Word Of The Day that we can pass on this occasion. Hopefully what we provide can be the inspiration for the friend of all.