Buerger's Disease Pictures - Latest Pictures

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Buerger's Disease Pictures

Buerger's Disease Pictures - Buerger's disease or tromboangitis obliterans is a rare disease characterized by the presence of blockages in blood vessels in the legs and arms. The disease begins with the presence of inflammation and swelling of blood vessels, until eventually the blood vessels become clogged by a blood clot-clot (thrombus).

What are the symptoms of Buerger's disease?
  • The first symptoms in the form of klaudikasi or pain while walking.
  • The initial phase shows skin redness, a little bit of pain, and the palpable as hardened channels along several millimeters to centimeters below the skin. This disorder often appears in several places on the extremities and lasts for several weeks. After that it seemed that the former berbenjol-bumps.
  • On the blockage of the heavier, more powerful and the pain lasts longer, even pain at rest.
  • Sufferers often experiencing Raynaud phenomenon, a condition in which the tip of the body (heel, fingertips, hands, feet) to white if exposed to cold temperatures.
  • Chills, numbness, tingling, hot flavor on the ends of toes or fingers.
  • Muscle cramps, usually on the soles of the feet or legs.
  • Bluish on the fingers and toes and then blackened and rot.
  • There is no very short pulses the pulse on the part of less blood flow.
  • Muscles become atrophy or shrinking.
  • Experiencing bone osteoporosis and decay arise then occurs when bone damage that developed into osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone)
The Treatment Of Buerger's Disease

To date, there is no specific treatment to cure disease Buerger, however there are several ways that can be done to relieve this rare disease, such as:
  • Stop smoking. This is considered the most effective way to relieve symptoms of Buerger's disease due to the nicotine and tobacco are considered as the main triggers of the disease. Most doctors will advise patients to do the rehabilitation process in order to quit smoking can be managed optimally.
  • Drugs. Doctors generally will provide a remedy with antibiotics to treat infections in the skin of the hands or feet. In addition, the codeine may also be prescribed as a pain reliever. Currently, drug iloprost is being developed to relieve the symptoms and reduce the risk of amputation with uric menyuntiknya directly on blood vessels.
  • Operation. If disease Buerger suffered already severe, the doctor will probably recommend to perform operations by way of cutting the nerves of the infected (operation sympathectomy) in order to suppress or control the infection is pain. The last road that might be recommended physician if blood vessels continue to be hampered or appear gangrene is amputation. This usually happens if the sufferer unable to stop the smoking habit.
  • Treatment at home. To support the recommended treatment doctors, there are some steps you can take to relieve the symptoms of Buerger's disease, such as warm the hands or feet, avoid places that are cold, use of protective footwear when walking, sports or massaging gently to increase sikulasi blood, drinking enough water, actively moving and avoiding things such as standing too long or use a very tight clothing.
  • Alternative medical treatment. There are several medical-based alternative medicine can be done as it dilates the blood vessels to increase blood flow or avoid pengumpalan the blood, spinal cord stimulation, and therapeutic angiogenesis for stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. But all of the treatment is still in the experimental stage and not yet proven its success in.

Buerger's Disease Pictures

One of the most recommended ways to prevent disease Buerger is to quit smoking or avoid places filled with cigarette smoke. Usually, the disease is attack sufferers who already smoke above 20 years, including the passive smokers. In addition to basic materials such as cigarettes, tobacco can also be a trigger and need to be avoided wherever possible. The discussion of Buerger's Disease Pictures that we can pass on this occasion. beneficial and hopefully can be a lesson to all companions. Thank You
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