Pictures Of Cervical Cancer - Cervical cancer is the uncontrolled cell growth (cancer) that occur on the cervix. Cervix or cervical is part of the female reproductive tract that connects the vagina with the womb or uterus. All women are at risk of suffering from this cancer. However, women who are sexually active are more likely to be affected.
At an early stage, cervical cancer does not usually cause recognizable symptoms. The most common symptom of cervical cancer is abnormal bleeding. For example, bleeding after sex, outside of the menstrual cycle, or after menopause.
However, you are not necessarily suffering from cervical cancer if there is bleeding. To get a proper diagnosis, you should consult a doctor. If there is cervical cancer is suspected, you will be referred to a specialist.
Ther symptoms that may appear
In addition to abnormal bleeding, other symptoms that may appear are:
At an early stage, cervical cancer does not usually cause recognizable symptoms. The most common symptom of cervical cancer is abnormal bleeding. For example, bleeding after sex, outside of the menstrual cycle, or after menopause.
However, you are not necessarily suffering from cervical cancer if there is bleeding. To get a proper diagnosis, you should consult a doctor. If there is cervical cancer is suspected, you will be referred to a specialist.
Ther symptoms that may appear
In addition to abnormal bleeding, other symptoms that may appear are:
- The liquid that comes out of the vagina without stopping with a strange smell or different than usual, pale, pink, Brown, or contains blood.
- The pain each time sexual intercourse.
The changing the menstrual cycle without a known cause, for example menstruation more than 7 days for 3 months or more, or the amount of bleeding very much.
Symptoms In The Late Stages Of Cervical Cancer
At the final stage of cervical cancer will spread to the outside of the neck of the uterus leading into the surrounding organs and tissues. At this stage, symptoms that occur will differ, among other things:
Symptoms In The Late Stages Of Cervical Cancer
At the final stage of cervical cancer will spread to the outside of the neck of the uterus leading into the surrounding organs and tissues. At this stage, symptoms that occur will differ, among other things:
- The occurrence of hematuria or blood in the urine.
- Problematic during urination due to blockage of the kidney or ureter.
- A change in bowel habits and small.
- Weight loss.
- Swelling in one leg.
- Pain in the bones.
- Loss of appetite.
- Pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic as well.
- The pain in your back or waist, is caused due to swelling in the kidneys. This condition is known as hydronephrosis.
Pictures Of Cervical Cancer
Now, that's the discussion about the Cervical Cancer Pictures. Hopefully Helpful